Saints Row IV Steam Gift

Saints Row IV Steam Gift

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 130.27 $
Товар: 0(0 Кбайт)
Загружен: 0
Количество продаж: 0
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: AK_MARKET
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
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Скидки: На данный товар скидка не предоставляется.
Unlike the first three games in the franchise, Saints Row 4 does not center around the main character defeating three rival gangs in order to take over a city. The Saints have now become a household name, and their leader has become the president of the Unites States. The antagonists in Saints Row 4 are an invading alien race known as the Zin. Most of the game takes place within a computer simulation of the city of Steelport controlled by the Zin, where the protagonist is attempting to free himself and his companions.
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