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Hey everyone!
We would like to thank the thousands of players all across the world who participated in the beta. Without you, this update would not have been possible.
We have to say though, we were very surprised with the amount of feedback we were able to gather in this short period. Shortly after the beta went live, we surpassed our previous all-time peak of players during the game´s launch in *2015*!
Not only that, but in the short amount of time the beta was running, there were even a couple tournaments being run for the game as well!
All in all, this was a great success for everyone involved. The community was able to come together and teach new players the ropes, while KOF veterans across the globe duked it out.
Heck, maybe even some of you pulled off Geese´s Deadly Rave mid-match. Whatever the level, we´re confident all players had a lot of fun during the beta.
But, all good things must come to an end...
However, the good news is that now Code Mystics are going to focus their time on further improving the game to have it in tip-top shape come release.
We will keep everyone posted when the update is going live. Until then, be sure to hit up the various KOF discords out there and hone your skills because KOF2002UM will be back and ready to go before you know it!
Again, thank you all very much for your support and we look forward to seeing you in-game!
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