Athenian Rhapsody

Athenian Rhapsody

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 13.12 $
Товар: текстовая информация (16 символов)
Загружен: 19.09.2024 17:20:14
Количество продаж: 0
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: gamethings
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
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Скидки: На данный товар скидка не предоставляется.
<attention>ARE YOU READY FOR THE CRAZIEST GAME EVER CAN THE DEVELOPER OF THE GAME DO A BACKFLIP No he cant Maybe one day but for now hes too scared

anyway Athenian Rhapsody is a superfresh oneofakind comedy RPG in which youll explore the World of Athens Your goal is to build your very own Rhapsody the story of you the player and your epic tale in this world Youll be faced with many challenges and youll have to fight or hug your way through the world by either battling or awkwardly trying to make friends with your opponents through esoteric knowledge abstract jokes memory games and other strange and funny interactions

If you want more of the meatncheese well feast your eyes upon these rather dry feature descriptions written by someone whos probably a little bit boring

Each character in the world of Athens has a bold personality and a large amount of depth for you to discover You can choose to adventure with whoever youd like There truly is a favorite for everyone to bond with I promise

This world has no shortage of intense battles with opponents that range from weird wacky tough cute and outright goofy

On your journey you may face mindbendingly difficult challenges such as Spell Richard and Carry A Feather throughout your Rhapsody Would you dare come face to face with the infamous 3x3 slide puzzle

Many characters will switch up the tactics of battle youll be faced with various minigames based on the scenario you find yourself in

This game is fast paced action packed and full of zany and ironic humor that anyone can have a nice laugh at

You will NOT run out of things to do If you do you probably havent seen the sunlight in quite some time

Nothing substantial in this game is up to RNG You choose your pathway from start to finish creating an extremely specific pathway whichll then be recorded this is your playthroughs Rhapsody a narrated story of your journey through Athens When you come to the end of the line and reflect upon your Rhapsody could you say you did your best

Youll be able to share Rhapsodies between your friends Share combine read through and maybe even delete your friends Rhapsodies</attention>
Дополнительная информация:
<delivery><attention>Описание продукта
** Название:Athenian Rhapsody
** Платформы:XboxOne, XboxSeriesX
** Гарантии: Да
** Активация: Microsoft (Xbox)
** Срок действия: Без ограничений
** Тип продукта: Услуга или код
** Регион активации: Регион будет в описание после покупки.
** После успешной активации можно выключить IP</attention><attention>**Инструкция по активации (использованию) продукта:
1. Пришлите уникальный код, который вы получили, продавцу
2. Ожидайте ответ
Обычно выполнение заказа занимает 5-10 минут. Но из-за проблем на стороне Micorosft или платёжного терминала это время может увеличиться
Рассчитываем на ваше понимание :)</attention></delivery>
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