TorqueL Physics Modified Edition

TorqueL Physics Modified Edition

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 14.6 $
Товар: текстовая информация (16 символов)
Загружен: 25.08.2024 12:34:48
Количество продаж: 0
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: gamethings
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TorqueL Physics Modified Edition modified the physical behavior to meet the technical requirements of the updated development environment giving you the same experience as the original TorqueL

TorqueL is a unique 2D spinning action game where you try to reach the goal by rolling and stretching a box which contains your character In order to get over obstacles that you normally cant just by rolling and stretching the box you have to roll while extending the box to jump and fly across these obstacles This provides a new kind of challenge as you need to carefully control the box making the physique and torque interesting elements of the game

Reach the goal to move on to the next stage chamber There are chambers with a number of goals to choose from There are seven routes that branches out depending on which goal you choose There is also one secret route you can enter when you meet a specific requirement Reach the colored goal at the end of each route to finish the route There are 50 total chambers with seven basic routes and one secret route You can also enjoy the background music composed by Denji Sano aka Sanodg a wellknown music composer which uniquely plays along with the movement of the box
Дополнительная информация:
Описание продукта: TorqueL Physics Modified Edition, Платформы: XboxOne, XboxSeriesX...
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