Pendula Swing: The Complete Edition КЛЮЧ* STEAM РФ+СНГ

Pendula Swing: The Complete Edition КЛЮЧ* STEAM РФ+СНГ

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Цена: 4.49 $
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Тип: Ключ активации
Регион активации: Россия и СНГ
Клиент для игры: Steam
Локализация: Полностью на английском языке
Платформа: PC
Год: 2020
Pendula Swing is a*point & click adventure*game set in a*fantasy*version of the*American Roaring 1920s. Picture the glamour and turbulence of the 20s in a world populated by elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs and other fantastic creatures besides humans. Starring Brialynne Donu Ten*m, the greatest and most celebrated dwarven hero of this world, Pendula Swing features hundreds of unique characters and quests that unfold how the world evolved after Brialynne saved it. Features: Diversity of characters*- from LGBTQ+ to wheelchairs, you will encounter various characters with unique personalities, tastes and sometimes disabilities Unusual setting*- Tolkien meets The Great Gatsby because, really, who can resist a beautiful elven flapper? Unique protagonist*- you are playing as Brialynne, the most famous hero this world has ever seen! You are a celebrity and richer than you can imagine - you stumble upon statues, books and movies depicting you, and you even have a fan club Progressive dating options*- you are a widow who has mourned the passing of your wife for a long time. Allow love back in your life by dating a variety of characters of diverse genders and relationship preferences Lots of Cute Pets!*Not only does Brialynne have a very sassy cat, but she can also adopt pretty much every cute critter that allows it More than 7 hours of content*- 400 unique and diverse characters that you can interact with and over 160 quests and storylines. These are spread across 7 main areas that reflect iconic 1920s locations such as the Speakeasy, the newly invented Cinema, and the Department Store No Violence*- Brialynne is simply too powerful and famous to hit anyone, besides, these days they write Every Single Gossip in the newspapers! Original Soundtrack*to fulfil your every need for swing and jazz Besides this, you can also*shop*and*style*yourself and your home in*1920s fashion,*smuggle*dwarven ale, drink*alcohol*and*suffer*its effects, take a calm moment to*fish, attend AA meetings,*adopt*transmorphed animals, complete some word*puzzles,*summon*your wife’s spirit,*kiss*your dates, give flowers, be*extravagantly generous*or*cheap*and greedy like they say dwarves are, and much more!
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