*Fleet Commander: Pacific(Глобал)Steam

*Fleet Commander: Pacific(Глобал)Steam

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 9.91 $
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Количество продаж: 0
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Продавец: Belconsole
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Fleet Commander: Pacific<delivery>*Надежность вашей покупки гарантирует Belconsole - первая международная компания с физическим магазином(а не частное лицо) на Plati.ru , а также лично ее основатель - Владимир Бычинов.

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Вы покупаете лицензионный ключ Fleet Commander: Pacific • Steam Активация •
Разработчик: SEP FCOM, Pixel Ratio
Издатель: Plug In Digital
Регион активации: WW
Локализация: Полностью на английском языке
Год издания: 2022
*Если вы используете VPN для активации или создаете новый аккаунт с VPN, VPN НЕ сможет помочь вам для активации. И мы не гарантируем работоспособность и активацию игры через VPN.WW
Особенности игры:
The game is a turn based game, I GO U GO system with alternating phases. You can play hot seat, against the AI or in multiplayer mode.
The game contains:
a turn-based sequence of play, with US having the slight advantage to play second as they broke the enemy code, allowing for interesting counter-moves,all main battleships, carriers and heavy cruisers as individual units, and minor ships, marines or air units regrouped in groups and flotillas,a simple (but not simplistic) set of game mechanisms, focusing on taking control of key sea areas,straightforward battle mechanisms, handling the various aspects of naval warfare: gunnery exchanges, submarines and airborne attacks,game features day or night battles, island bases invasions, air raids against ports, reinforcements from other theaters of war,a challenging set of decisions each turn for the selection of which areas to keep under your control, seize from the enemy or harass,an AI that will attempt to foil your grand strategic plans or your local actions,a very accurate database with faithful ships sketches, 3D models, and actual historical photos,a streamlined UI and easy controls, and a wealth of ingame information,many scenarios of variable length and difficulty.MORE IN DETAILS
The game is played in 10 turns of 4 months each, alternating the opposing sides. The US side, playing last, has a slight strategic advantage.
Each turn, both sides will attempt to control the key sea areas on the map. Each of those brings Victory Points (VP), not always the same for each side in a given sea, representing the different strategic importance of the various seas to the respective sides. At the end of the turn, once scores have been calculated, the leading side gets the balance and accrued it to its overall score. The winner of the game is the side with a positive VP balance at the end of the scenario in play.
They are all identical each turn, except when mandated by special case (for instance the surprise attack phase of December 1941 in FC Pacific).
In sequence:
Arrival of reinforcements in a friendly port, or removal of units if required by date/turn.Moving Patrols out to sea, to take control of the sea areas.Placement of land-based aircrafts, one plane at a time, sides alternating. Only in allowed seas. Those planes can control sea zones.Movement of amphibious units.Placement of the submarine unit (if in game).Raid Missions with the aim of making attacks or defenses in sea areas, but not allowance future control by raiding ships.Resolution of naval battles, in the order selected by the Japanese player, sea area by sea area. Battle sequence is described hereafter.Landing of Marines, if they did not take place during battles.Return to port of all Raid Missions.Check of sea areas control and change of ownership of isolate
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