Раздел: Разные
Цена: 1.55 $
Товар: текстовая информация (17 символов)
Загружен: 03.07.2023 9:41:52
Количество продаж: 0
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: kostet624
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
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250 $ скидка 2%
100 $ скидка 1%
<delivery>* Моментально после покупки данного товара вы получаете лицензионный ключ * от игры Chest для платформы Steam. Данный продукт не имеет региональных ограничений и может быть активирован в любой стране *.</delivery>
The story of *Chest * is about Capulet, who has forgotten how to undo the transmogrification spell after having turned into a Chest for a time until found and brought home by Zong. Having turned back human with Zong´s help, Capulet then decided to find and help those who also have also turned into chest back into human.
Get to know stories behind six party members through adventuring, camping and chatting.
Control made easy, the commands you´ll need are move and investigate.
Cozy RPG gamestyle, no mob/exp farming.
Stress-free roaming and exploring, unveil contents hidden throughout the game.
Emitting a positive and outgoing aura from top to toe, in reality, Tole is diligent and attentive. He´s the kind that would cook your (fully custom-ordered) favorite dishes with a heartwarming smile. Loves adventuring and camping, tagged along with Cale because he ´find it interesting´.

Sweet Capulet, nicknamed ´Cale´. Once a Duke, transmogrified into a Chest for hiding from the assassination, however, he forgot how to undo the spell. Having thought that he´d live the rest of his life as a Chest, Tole showed up at the right timing and brought him back to Zong, and lifted the spell. Later then, he invited the two on the Chest-rescue mission.

The hero who has defeated the previous Demon Lord. Working as a deliveryman at the Tele Tavern, he would also take freelance duties like monster extermination and herb harvesting. Though his true power is unmeasurable, he´d always go for the simplest solution whenever he comes into problems.

A wannabe girl of the ´world´s strongest´, always pesters Zong to challenge him. Once turned into a Chest as well, but turned back since she remembered the undo spell. Having met Cale´s band with Zong in the party in the forest, she asked to join the team as well.

A Green Chest who has chained itself with Shackles of Light, After lifting the Chest transmogrification, he often fell drowse for unknown reasons, joined Cale´s band for rehab.

A Violet Chest, a poisonous tongue yet soft-hearted lady in her human form. After a long, angry lecture to Cale´s band, she hasted for leaving the Sunlight Shore. Went on the return trip with Cole´s party."
Дополнительная информация:
<delivery><attention>* Активация продукта в Steam:</attention>
1. Получите оплаченный товар в разделе Покупки.
2. Если не установлен Steam клиент, скачайте его для Windows (клиент также доступен на Mac и Linux) и установите.
3. Запустите Steam, зайдите в свой аккаунт или зарегистрируйте новый, если у вас его еще нет.
4. Войдите в меню *Игры* и выберите пункт *Активировать через Steam*.
5. Примите соглашение подписчика Steam.
6. Введите ключ активации.
7. После активации вам будет предложено скачать игру.

Ключ также можно активировать через браузер -</delivery>
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* Спасибо за положительный отзыв!</attention>
<attention>* Убедительно просим вас не оставлять отрицательный отзыв до обращения к продавцу, в большинстве случаев ваша проблема будет решена, как только продавец прочитает ваше сообщение. Спасибо за понимание.</attention>
<attention>* Много игр по самым дешёвым ценам только в моём магазине!
Ознакомиться со всем ассортиментом можно по данной ссылке - *</attention>
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