Ultimate Flight Simulator Pro STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL

Ultimate Flight Simulator Pro STEAM KEY REGION GLOBAL

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 0.53 $
Товар: текстовая информация (17 символов)
Загружен: 26.03.2023 21:43:06
Количество продаж: 2
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: kostet624
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
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Скидки: На товар предоставляется скидка постоянным покупателям. Если общая сумма покупок у продавца больше чем:
250 $ скидка 2%
100 $ скидка 1%
<delivery>* Моментально после покупки данного товара вы получаете лицензионный ключ * от игры Ultimate Flight Simulator Pro для платформы Steam. Данный продукт не имеет региональных ограничений и может быть активирован в любой стране *.</delivery>
Are you ready for an enjoyable airplane simulator? Great, different planes are waiting for you in this simulator game. Enjoy a great driving simulator by choosing the plane that suits your character. Choose the character and aircraft you want, complete all the challenging missions against various weather conditions and become a real pilot. You can use many planes, such as fighter jets and passenger planes, in the airport free of charge.

Board on challenging missions with Ultimate Flight Simulator Pro, one of the best PC graphic flight simulation games. Fly anywhere in the world with 3D cities, buildings, tracks, and high-definition graphics explore sights and airports and experience a unique experience.

If you like airplane games and want to become a good pilot, this plane simulator game is for you. Plane jet and airplane pilot players should complete challenging levels by completing different tasks from each other. All aero simulator conditions are designed with this game in mind, where you will feel like a real-life airplane pilot.

Plane game and aircraft carrier players should pay close attention when lifting their planes. If you lose control of the aircraft while floating in the air, you can cause a plane crash. For this reason, aero drive and airplane jet players must fly over the mountains after aerating their planes and complete the levels without falling into the water. After the plane takes off, one of the essential details is landing the plane at the airport without an accident. Aircraft game and airplane pilot players must land the aircraft on the runway slowly by reducing the power of the aircraft´s engine before approaching the airport.

Each airplane mission has its challenges. Plane driving and aero simulator players must complete the airplane simulation by meeting all these challenging tasks. In this airplane game, he has complex tasks, such as completing the level by passing through the red rings in the missions. Airplane crash and plane games simulator players can only switch to another station if they meet one level to enjoy this airplane game. For this reason, go to the next level by completing each level and enjoy this airplane game.

Airplane Mode
• Airport, bridge, and more
• Statue of Liberty, bridges, and private properties
• Large passenger and private planes
Дополнительная информация:
<delivery><attention>* Активация продукта в Steam:</attention>
1. Получите оплаченный товар в разделе Покупки.
2. Если не установлен Steam клиент, скачайте его для Windows (клиент также доступен на Mac и Linux) и установите.
3. Запустите Steam, зайдите в свой аккаунт или зарегистрируйте новый, если у вас его еще нет.
4. Войдите в меню *Игры* и выберите пункт *Активировать через Steam*.
5. Примите соглашение подписчика Steam.
6. Введите ключ активации.
7. После активации вам будет предложено скачать игру.

Ключ также можно активировать через браузер - https://store.steampowered.com/account/registerkey</delivery>
<attention>* Спасибо за положительный отзыв!</attention>
<attention>* Убедительно просим вас не оставлять отрицательный отзыв до обращения к продавцу, в большинстве случаев ваша проблема будет решена, как только продавец прочитает ваше сообщение. Спасибо за понимание.</attention>
<attention>* Много игр по самым дешёвым ценам только в моём магазине!
Ознакомиться со всем ассортиментом можно по данной ссылке - https://plati.market/seller/kostet624/828276/ *</attention>
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