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Цена: 2.82 $
Товар: текстовая информация (17 символов)
Загружен: 25.03.2023 15:34:09
Количество продаж: 1
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: kostet624
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<delivery>* Моментально после покупки данного товара вы получаете лицензионный ключ * от игры DEMON DARK I для платформы Steam. Данный продукт не имеет региональных ограничений и может быть активирован в любой стране *.</delivery>
DEMON DARK I Yodnamkang2

This part of the story Beginning in the present era. When demons from the evil past hide from the world of the dead Reaper and guardian deity of the three worlds.
Longing for opportunity to come back up to earth again. To build a realm of suffering, pestilence and death, an unending calamity.

It all started a long time ago. When these demons and non-humans were still people blood and flesh like a normal person Lord of the Kingdom of Greed Brutality, evil, war, destruction, north, south, out, fall, endless, invading any land will kill and destroy the other side until the end. Those who survive will be taken as slaves until death.

But soon, when the army of the brave from the Land of the Eternal Continent Greet the army into battle Tens of thousands Fierce War and Apocalypse.
The light appeared once more. When the ruler of the evil kingdom was killed Fallen Army eventually disappears
The evil Kingdom soldiers died and turned into evil spirits. Floating forever.
To wait for the time Slowly, time to come back to take revenge The ground returns, bringing disaster to the earth again..
A long time, a very long time, no chance of appearing for evil spirits...

After the war the brave men dispersed back to their own lands. Only a warrior who had suffered the wounds of a great battle Until unable to save life in order to save life. They were taken to a distant land. Everyone had to go to sleep and stay calm for a very long time.
...for a long time until time passed....with the passing of time.

But then, in today´s world Everything was quiet .. until the Gate of Hell was accidentally discovered... the gate. The path that evil spirits use is the passage to the human world. A portal to lead the evil kingdom´s army. back again .In the form of a human being, a demon..

Bring doom, plague, death back to the earth, a war in which humanity will be completely destroyed. Because now the army of the kingdom and the evil one It cannot be killed or destroyed by any weapon.
Many of their soldiers passed through the gates. Destroy everything, every life..

But then the light appeared together as well. When brave warriors from the past healer woke up..
Had to send them back to hell. Destroy the spirits of demons

Thirrd person fighting game Players will control a character who can use both hand-to-hand combat, punching, kicking, punching, archery fighting. and melee combat with a 2-handed sword, including the use of magic to deal with demons or demons and can summon spirits to help in the fight.
The fighting style is a fast two-handed sword fight.

Come on.. Let´s protect the human world. send them back to hell
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