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Приобретая данный товар вы получаете игру Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise в качестве подарка для Российского аккаунта STEAM.
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The story takes place in present-day Boston where it turns out FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan will have to revisit a case he thought was solved in 2005. Through unique storytelling, venture back in time to the American town Le Carr*, Louisiana and uncover the mysteries buried within this once peaceful town.
Follow Agents Davis and Jones as they begin a new investigation into the Le Carr* serial murders. Through the memories of a former FBI agent, go back in time to Le Carr* and step into the role of Special Agent York to begin unraveling the mystery.
• Return as FBI Special Agent Francis York Morgan (just call him York - everyone does) and experience a brand-new murder mystery!
• Both a prequel and a sequel: A historic investigation to uncover the murder mystery in Le Carr*
• An open-world adventure: Travel around the town of Le Carr* by foot or skateboard
• Mini-games: Bowling, Bayou Ride, Skateboard Challenge, and more
• Customisation: Customise your character and upgrade your skateboard for improved speed and landing more difficult tricks
Дополнительная информация:
Ссылка на игру в Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1271100/Deadly_Premonition_2_A_Blessing_in_Disguise/
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