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Приобретая данный товар вы получаете игру Nemesis: Lockdown в качестве подарка для Российского аккаунта STEAM.
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Nemesis is among the most successful board games of recent years, currently ranked 17th in the BGG All-time rank with over 20k ratings. It was created as a tribute to classic sci-fi horror movies. Main goal was to create a great horror experience that will write a unique cinematic story with every game. Such a story that you will want to discuss with your friends for some time after the game!
Now, Nemesis Lockdown is going digital! This is a board game recreated in the digital world and since the game is very special to us we wanted the experience to be stellar. This game is targeted at both: Fans of Nemesis, who now will be able to play with their friends online, and new players who may not be too familiar with board games but still want a great sci-fi adventure!
Дополнительная информация:
Ссылка на игру в Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1915550/Nemesis_Lockdown/
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