*Ebay Automatic Payment** PayPal Card For Activation*

*Ebay Automatic Payment** PayPal Card For Activation*

Цена: 5.54 $
Товар: текстовая информация (449 символов)
Загружен: 05.10.2024 23:24:26
Количество продаж: 100
Количество возвратов: 1
Продавец: WnStore
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
оплата через

Подробно о всех способах оплаты смотрите в разделе «Оплата и доставка».

Скидки: На товар предоставляется скидка постоянным покупателям. Если общая сумма покупок у продавца больше чем:
<attention>*Welcome To Our Store, a Store Where You Feel Comfortable And The Seller Is Very Kind and Helpful With His Customers, All His Customers are Satisfied with His Services And Trustworthy Seller*Also, Take a Look To the Store Products, Best Regards!**</attention>

<attention>Buy Card: Dear customer! By purchasing this product, you will receive the card details
<attention>*This Card Works For eBay and Etsy...Europe/Uk Verification** WorldWide PayPal Activation Card*</attention>

<attention>Feel Free to ask any questions**
you will get Card Details**
Works For 24H After Purchase! You Can Contact the Seller for Monthly Cards**
100% approved **
Currency Conversion: YES**
We offer 24/7 customer service.**
High-Quality Service**
Cheap Price For Best Services and Fast Services and Individual Approach To Each Client And Also can do the Payment for The client and many more advantage **

Global cards
Order your card now*
Notice: *
All cards are for 24h to use otherwise you will get a new one, for more information text me
and all will be good and works 100% so you have to text the seller after buying the card
and all problems will be solved **Possibility of Refund only if it doesn´t work but first of all, you have to ask for the solution
We offer the best prices and trustworthy seller **</attention>
Дополнительная информация:
<attention>We offer the best prices! Long-term reputation of a reliable seller, individual approach to each client, Trustworthy, High Rating**********.
Thanks for using our service! :)
*It is forbidden to commit any fraudulent operations or actions!
** Do not write negative reviews, but first write the problem to the seller!
** Open the tab: "Correspondence", describe the problem and we will definitely help you.
** The seller will answer your message within 1-24 hours
Buyer satisfaction is our happiness.</attention>
<attention>Full list of all goods: https://plati.market/seller/wnstore/1032572/
Thank you for Using Our Service *

Отзывы покупателей (21):
Положительных отзывов20 Отрицательных отзывов1
12.09.2024 1:12:00good
02.09.2023 21:51:07Good^^
08.04.2023 16:47:36Everything is cool, the seller is well done.
17.03.2023 17:45:38Everything is super, everything tethered right away !!! great service !
29.08.2022 1:58:00Good!!!
18.08.2022 20:16:27GOOD!!!
02.07.2022 16:25:49Cool
28.06.2022 9:19:52good
24.05.2022 20:47:55Exceptional seller! Best customer service ever. Quicker than lightning, helpful, knowledgeable and friendly. Most highly recommended!
13.05.2022 16:21:34Продавец отзывчивый. Помог решить проблему. Спасибо
