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10 Tales of Terror from 10 Twisted Minds. Made in only 7 Sleepless Nights. The Dread X Collection is a series of small games created by some of the most talented indie devs around, all with the same mission: create the P.T. for the horror project of their dreams.
Airdorf - SUMMER NIGHT: From the creator of FAITH. Run around in your backyard picking toadstools and chasing monkeys in this LCD handheld game where nothing scary happens!
Oddbreeze Games - The Pay is Nice: From the creator of Crew 167: The Grand Block Odyssey. Discover what happens in an ultra secure facility, as you get ready for work and wander the dark halls of your office. Using old school fixed-camera perspective, they´re watching your every moves.
Scythe Dev Team - Carthanc: From the people that brought you Northbury Grove: Entity, Walls Closing In, Happy´s Humble Burger Barn, and the rest of the Scythe Saga Universe. Explore the ruins of an ancient society on a dead planet.
Strange Scaffold - Mr. Bucket Told Me To: From the creator of An Airport for Aliens Currently Run By Dogs and the writer of Hypnospace Outlaw. The abandoned tools of your existence come back to haunt you in a surreal and terrifying tropical survival adventure.
Torple Dook - Hand of Doom: From the co-creator of Earl´s Day Off. Trapped in an arcane realm by the dark sorcery of the ubiquitous Master, can you learn the correct rituals and incantations needed to escape?
David Szymanski - The Pony Factory: From the creator of DUSK, Fingerbones, and The Moon Sliver. Winston thought he could use hell energy to create magical ponies. Winston was wrong.
Mahelyk - Outsiders: From the creator of SCP: Blackout. Enter a world of uncertainly as you discover the truth behind the house, and behind the Outsiders.
Lovely Hellplace - Shatter: From the creator of Dread Delusion. In the ruins of future Britain, new gods rule the wastes.
Snowrunner Productions - Rotgut: From the creator of Soda Drinker Pro. Crystal Tigers Presents: The Circle World Party!
Secret Cow Level - Don´t Go Out: From the creator of Doomtrooper and one of the minds behind Fallout: New Vegas. Run. Hide. Sacrifice your friends. Survive the night.
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1. Необходимо скачать и установить Steam http://steampowered.com/download/SteamInstall.msi
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3. Перейти в раздел "Мои игры" и выбрать "Активировать через Steam...", и ввести ключ полученный после оплаты.
4. После активации, игра появится в списке игр (Библиотеке) и вы сможете её скачать
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