25.10.2023 16:00:05Great job! |
07.09.2023 10:04:24The item was delivered in full in a short time. Thanks to the seller for prompt feedback. I will wait for the service to increase the views of tweets |
04.09.2023 12:25:20Продавец быстро отвечает, не отписало подписчиков |
12.06.2023 20:33:42everything works fine thx for the seller |
08.06.2023 13:30:34Thank you |
07.06.2023 19:07:57Good seller |
08.04.2023 1:54:19** |
28.02.2023 14:22:41Everything is clear and fast, thank you! |
19.11.2022 15:09:10Very fast! Also got more subscribers what I ordered. Thank you for gift. +REP |
06.11.2022 14:28:57ok |