Colossus Down (Steam key) RU CIS

Colossus Down (Steam key) RU CIS

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 1.36 $
Товар: текстовая информация (17 символов)
Загружен: 20.11.2021 10:42:16
Количество продаж: 16
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: AMEDIA*
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
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Скидки: На данный товар скидка не предоставляется.
<attention>После покупки Вы получите КЛЮЧ для активации указанного программного продукта.</attention>

Система активации: Steam
Регион: Россия и СНГ

Nika has just finished the first phase of her plan to destroy everything that isn´t cool: the construction of a combat mecha called MechaNika. There´s no time to lose, so join forces with her, get your hands on MechaNika´s controls and demolish the entire planet. You have to put an end to history books, planned obsolescence, kitschy dresses, never-ending sagas of boring video games and pea soup.

And if there´s someone in the world that hates vegetables more than Nika, it´s her friend Agatha, the insomniac butcher and prophetess of Carnivorism that loves animals and their succulent meat in equal measure. That´s why, when she learns of the objectives of Nika´s plan, she doesn´t hesitate to join the mission of destruction alongside the Great Bleeding Pig, god of Carnivorism, to subdue any grass-eating, non-believers that get in the way.
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25.02.2024 22:49:39Всё ОК, спасибо!
14.03.2022 8:38:23+++
