Railway Empire Crossing the Andes (Steam key)

Railway Empire Crossing the Andes (Steam key)

Раздел: Разные
Цена: 5.16 $
Товар: текстовая информация (16 символов)
Загружен: 14.02.2023 11:41:09
Количество продаж: 3
Количество возвратов: 0
Продавец: СофтГигант™
Продажа в кредит: Товар не продается в кредит
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Дата выхода: 19 октября 2018 г.
Возрастной рейтинг: 0+
Разработчик: Gaming Minds Studios
Издатель: Kalypso Media Digital Ltd
Локализация: Русский
Система активации: Steam
Регион: Россия

Это дополнение (DLC). Railway Empire.
Take on new journeys in the depths of South America in the early 20th century, where a hoard of exotic new resources are ripe for the picking and plans for crossing the Andes by train are drawing attention from investors far and wide. Unforgiving mountains and relentless jungle terrains will make this challenge a tough one for even the most experienced tycoons.Feature List: 3 new scenarios covering the early history of railway pioneers in the Andes.
Map expansion: South America region (available in Free Game and Sandbox modes)
More than 10 new goods including llama wool and guano, and 34 new cities to discover
New engines: Kitson-Meyer (0-8-6-0) and Garratt (2-6-0-0-6-2)
Explore the world of Railway Empire in the exclusive night mode
Дополнительная информация:
Railway Empire (Steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/2536612
Railway Empire 2 (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/4382417
Railway Empire 2 Deluxe Edition (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/4382419
Railway Empire 2 Journey To The East (steam key) DLC - https://www.plati.market/itm/4382418
Railway Empire Complete Collection (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/3202736
Railway Empire Crossing the Andes (Steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/2536607
Railway Empire France (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/3202733
Railway Empire Germany DLC (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/2662162
Railway Empire Great Britain Ireland Steam key - https://www.plati.market/itm/2569610
Railway Empire Japan (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/3202735
Railway Empire Mexico (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/3202734
Railway Empire Northern Europe (steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/3202737
Railway Empire The Great Lakes DLC (Steam key) - https://www.plati.market/itm/2536613
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31.05.2019 14:47:41
