Задание 12. Перепечатайте предложения. Вставьте Participle I или Participle II. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.Any problem can be attacked in a scientific way…either to a right answer or to an explanation of why an answer cannot be found. (to lead)
2.The discovery …and the data …were published in *SCIENCE NEWS*. (to make, to obtain)
3.…one experiment he started another with the children as the subjects. (to finish)
Задание 13. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните причастные обороты. Переведите предложение на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму причастия.
1.He having felt lonely, feelings of depression and anxiety overcame him.
2.This problem should be solved immediately, specific techniques being applied.
3.The definite decision having been taken, they started discussing the details.
Задание 14. Перепечатайте предложения. Определите, чем является выделенное слово: Participle I, Gerund, Verbal Noun. Переведите предложение на русский язык.
1.They discussed a lot of interesting issues, the problem of nonverbal communication being one of them.
2.She answered without hesitating.
3.The child was awakened by their loud talking.
Задание 15. Перепечатайте предложения, подчеркните герундиальные обороты. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму герундия.
1.Their having been awarded a special prize for the research has quickly become known to everybody.
2.Do you mind my having taken a decision of organizing a new firm?
3.They succeeded in having achieved the desired conclusions.
Задание 16. Прочитайте текст.
Nonverbal Behavior
I.People from different cultures attach a wide variety of meanings to the same specific non-verbal behavior: looking another person in the eye, laughing in a certain way, touching a person on the head, holding up two greeting or separating from other women, although they are free to kiss each other lightly on one or both cheeks (or to touch cheek-to-cheek and kiss the air) if this is common in their social circle. The traditional pattern for a man and woman is that they shake hands only if the woman takes the initiative by offering her hand. In recent decades, however, the rules for men and women in some social circles have broadened to include men´s taking the initiative in hand-shaking; a light kiss on the cheek between friends or relatives also is becoming increasingly common. Men and women may hug each other, even in the absence of romantic attachment, under the same conditions mentioned above for men.
II.When in conversation with one another, Americans generally stand about half a meter apart and look each other in the eye frequently but not constantly. The distance that is maintained between people in conversation can vary; for example, a larger distance is likely to be maintained between people who have a clear superior-subordinate relationship, while a lesser distance is common between peers who are good friends.....
A)Переведите письменно IV часть текста.
B)Найдите в тексте предложения, имеющие одинаковое значение со следующими:
C)Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию из текста.
D)В какой части текста говорится …
E)Определите, является ли данное предложение: истинным, ложным или в тексте нет об этом информации.
F)Определите, какое предложение выражает главную мысль текста.